Small Batch Handcrafted Goat Cheese

Our goat cheese is made with the milk from our select herd of ADGA registered alpine dairy goats. We make cheese with fresh milk every other day from March through December. We pay special attention to the cleanliness of the herd and of the milk to ensure a safe and delicious end product. We make mostly small format French inspired cheeses. After over a decade of experimenting, we feel that alpine goat milk is best suited for these types of cheeses. We build our cheeses upon very special recipes, and they always end up with incredible flavor and unique terroir. The milk from our goats is unique because they eat only wild meadow hay that we make ourselves. The goats also graze in the scrub oak barrens that surround the farm, and we practice rotational grazing on pasture when we can’t be walking the goats in the woods. The unique diet the milking goats consume ensures a unique cheese terroir that we find incredible, and it keeps us coming back for more. We hope you like it too!  

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